Saturday 7 July 2012

What is a SOYA parent?

Are you a parent with a disability? Do you do an amazing whack of stuff with your A*s on the sofa? Are you a wobbly bod? A bendy bod? A knackered being? Always in fricken pain? Then, you too are a S.O.Y.A. mum/dad.

You parent with the tiniest amount of energy and make it look enormous. You Sit On Your A*s a heck of a lot, and yet somehow dinners happen, children get fed, and you cope.

You deal with a deluge of cr*p on a daily basis. It is your role to negotiate a million bits of awkward body wrangles and smile like you are in a very glam film.
Why has this group been created for you?

Because when I was pregnant I thought it was a great idea. I was full of huge hormones. I fantasised about making a wee group and badges, and stuff and it got me through the weird and tedious mindfield that disabled parenting turns out to be. It turns out, the S.O.Y.A. mum in me still needed to make this page and witter on in my own wee merry way.

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